All About Nomads Unite

Our Mission

Nomads Unite Mission StatementNomads Unite‘s mission is to help nomads of all kinds by providing whatever assistance they may require. This assistance includes educational workshops and seminars on numerous subjects pertaining to nomadic life. We host events for nomads to gather at and share their experience with each other and the general public. It is our goal to build a community for nomads to feel safe in and that functions as a cohesive unit while it’s members remain individual and self-sufficient.

Who We Are

Nomads Unite is an all inclusive group of modern day vagabonds and wanderers who live their lives mostly on the road. We live in skoolies, vans, RV’s, cars and the like. We gather from time to time in person to celebrate and share our lifestyle with other nomads and with people who are interested in nomadic life.

Nomadic life throughout history has generally been for people who have rejected the societal norms for a more free way of living. Nomads Unite’s purpose is to preserve that way of life, share how we live and to oppose gentrification of on road living.

We understand that not everyone who lives in a vehicle wants to be there. Numerous factors have led to many people and families being forced into living a modern nomadic lifestyle. Those of us who do choose the lifestyle are here to help those who  have been displaced and to educate the general public about why we live life on the road in an effort to dispel myths about modern nomads and create unity between us.

We have set up a Facebook group for nomads to share ideas and stories and whatever. We have also started a Facebook page for Nomads Unite where we will share events, workshops, and info concerning nomadic life.